Reflections on November – how am I still sane?

Claire Ackers reflecting on November 2023

November 2023 has probably been one of the busiest months of my life.

As an authenticity coach (yes, I made that title up), I'm all about sharing the real deal, so I’d love to share some reflections and learnings from this period with you.

Living my values with my kids and husband

One of my and my husband’s shared values is adventure - and it’s really important to us that we instill this in our kids. So, last month we hit the road in our camper van, cruising Scotland's North Coast. The kids squabbled in the back, but showing them the beauty of going off the beaten track was incredible. I was also solo parenting for a chunk of November. Hats off to all single parents, it's far from easy! I reduced my overwhelm with my daily dose of yoga, meditation, journaling and even a chilly ice bath.

Conquering Impostor Syndrome

I received my first award this month which was a huge win against that nagging impostor syndrome. It's wild how we sometimes doubt our successes. But I chose to celebrate this one — I may have even slept with the award on my pillow while my hubby was away!

Finally achieving the no.1 reason I set up in business in the first place

Having been running my business for eight years, I finally held my first retreat ‘The Rewilding’ in the Lake District this month. It was my vision to hold these women in a bubble throughout the week, to be nurtured and nourished so they got the time and space they needed for their next level transformation. And it was absolutely incredible, the women who came along were amazing - they embraced everything, from the wild swimming adventure to watching the dawn at the top of a mountain.

Creating and running the most impactful coaching series I’ve ever done

This week I’m coaching over 150 amazing women in a series on impostor syndrome. Watching those light bulbs go off is what keeps me going.

Through this whirlwind, a few things stayed consistent:

Dream Big: Hang onto those wild dreams, even when they scare the living daylights out of you.

Take Action: Show up, even when it's tough. Consistency's the name of the game.

Do You stick to your guns? For me, it's those daily practices that keep me grounded.

Enjoy the Ride: Life's too short not to savor the journey, bumps and all.

So, here's to December, the next chapter in this wild ride called life. If you need advice on handling life's twists and turns, or would like to hear about the next Rewilding Retreat drop me a message.


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Winning an award vs Imposter Syndrome ➡️ A hot off-the-press case study