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Top mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money 

Are you not where you thought you’d be when it comes to money 

Are you not earning enough and it’s sometimes really scary 

Are you struggling with rollercoaster months, and a lack of consistency 

Can you not seem to have a breakthrough despite how hard you work 

Are you starting to wonder if it’s you that’s the problem, that maybe you’re not cut out to run a business 

OR maybe you’re doing really well – on paper – but struggling to enjoy your success, it’s not what you thought it’d be? 

If recognise yourself in any of these, this is for you. Because there are some really common mistakes women make when it comes to being an entrepreneur and money, and it’s time we talk about them. 

Buckle up for this conversation, it’s going to be a big one. 

How to show up when you really really really don't want to

Sometimes you can't muster the energy to show up for your business, even though you know you should.

Even if you love your work, love your clients, even if there is no real reason you shouldn't show up and have fun doing it...

... your mojo seems to have left the building.

This conversation is directly for these times.

Here are my top tips of how to show up regardless - properly - not just phoning it in.

Lipstick all over my teeth

Lipstick all over my teeth - a tale of Imposter Syndrome when networking, and a case of self-sabotage.

If you've ever felt like you don't fit in when networking, or like a total Imposter in the room.

If you're sick of talking yourself out of opportunities and want to be braver.

If you want to connect to your tribe but feel like a weirdo.

Today's conversation is for you.

And enjoy the very first live talk from the Shedquarters - what do you think of this set up?


In this conversation I make an invitation to join the all new and improved Audacity Limitless You Academy - my on demand self-transformation course now with 6 months free membership of Audacity Tribe included.

Find out more and bag your introductory discount here-

8 signs you’ve lost your mojo for your business (& what to do about it)

Are you struggling to get motivated in your business?

Do you know what you need to do, but just can’t seem to make yourself crack on and do it?

Are you feeling disconnected, and flat, and like you’re wading through treacle?

If so, you are not alone. Feeling like you’ve lost your mojo for your business is one of the most common problems my clients have.

This conversation is about calling out the 8 most common signs that this is happening to you.

And then I’ll help you to know what to do about it.

During this conversation I make an invitation to join my free 5 day challenge, Power Up: Unlock Your Next Level.

You can find out more and register here - https://authenticity.claireackers.com/powerupchallenge



#femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #authenticity #entrepreneurialmindset #valuesledleadership

The secret to elevating yourself

So often we get caught up in the day to day when we’re running a business.
It’s so easy to caught in the reality trap, to lower our expectations to what we believe is possible. But this is a huge mistake.
As entrepreneurs, we’ve got to be visionaries. To not allow the nay sayers and doom mongers dampen our dreams.
One sure fire way to elevate yourself and your vision is to follow the ‘glimmers’.
The signs, specks and synchronicities that you’re on the right path.
Here’s how..

Bailing is not failing - what really happened in the bothy

I can't wait to share this story with you, the real story behind my first experience of wild camping.

Spoiler alert: we didn't make it through the night, but what actually happened is GOLD in terms of wisdom and lessons learned I can apply to my business.

Grab a cuppa and tune in, this is quite the tale...

The Biskery Interview

In this conversation I’m talking to Saskia Roskam and Lisa Shepherd, co-founders of The Biskery as they share their story of spreading love in biscuit form.

This journey has seen them go from colleagues to award-winning entrepreneurs, and their star is only on the rise.

In this extremely candid conversation we’re talking about:

🎙 What turned a germ of an idea into an award-winning business model

🎙How apple pie helped them know their audience

🎙How parenthood has helped them keep the business values-led

🎙Why The Biskery attracts an all-female team

This is a truly inspiring story, and Lisa and Saskia are true models – living proof that you CAN grow a business your way.

The bothy adventure - do something every day that scares you

Are you healed, or are you just hiding from your triggers?

This is a question that coming up a lot in my coaching conversations at the moment.

So often we can be going along, thinking we're doing really well, but really we're avoiding the scary stuff.

It's like a game of Floor Is Lava, we're hopping from safe spot to safe spot, desperately avoiding anything that will upset our carefully curated equilibrium.

This is such a shame, and such a wasted opportunity.

Because the greatest gold lies in peering into the dark corners, in confronting your fears and in neutralising your triggers.

In this video, I’m sharing a story of The Bothy Adventure, and how I'm confronting my fears.

The Origin Story Paradigm & Lessons from the Mountain

If you’re in need of some inspiration today, this one is for you.

If you’d like to be braver in your business, this one is for you.

If you’re sick of going around and around in circles, and you’re feeling frustrated and stuck, this one is for you.

I’ve just come back from the Rewilding retreat in the Lake District with the most incredible group of women.

All of them have both experienced and busted through their Origin Story Paradigm, and I want to capture it for you while it’s still fresh – because there’s a lesson in there for you too.

Enjoy the conversation, and don’t forget to give me a follow so you never miss an episode.

Register your interest for the next Rewilding retreat - https://authenticity.claireackers.com/rewilding

7 ways to make sure changes stick permanently

Are you struggling to make your new habits stick?

Or doubting your ability to make your positive changes permanent?

If you are, it’s no surprise because the odds are stacked against you. The very way society is set up is designed to set you up to fail.

It’s exhausting, and it just traps you in a never-ending loop of big dreams, to big effort to failure… and repeat.

This is why the Troubleshoot & Transform model I teach is so impactful – it just blows my clients’ minds wide open, and put them in the driving seat of positive changes they want to make.

In today’s coaching session I want to share 7 valuable tips to make sure changes stick – permanently

The 10 biggest mistakes I've made in business

I have f*cked up more times than I can count on my entrepreneurial journey.

People say being an entrepreneur is like jumping off a cliff and growing wings on your way down.

Well, sometimes those wings don't quite grow in time.

In today's conversation I share 10 of the biggest mistakes I have made in my business - hopefully this will save you from making the same ones.

Which resonate with you? Have I missed any? I'd love to know.

The Real Reason You’re Not Getting the Results You Want In Your Business

All too often we’re seeking the magic bullet, the new strategy, the new thing to invest – the thing that’s FINALLY going to make the difference in our business.

Where we’re finally going to feel successful, and like we’ve made it, and like a ‘proper’ entrepreneur.

When actually, the real reason we don’t feel like those things has nothing to do with what’s going on in the outside, your results, your clients, your performance, how much cash you’ve got in the bank.

Today we're talking about what the actual missing ingredient is.

And I'm going to tell you the 6 step framework that's going to change your life.

Don't forget to let me know what resonates with you in today's conversation - enjoy.

Don't quit. Life is tough, but so are you lovely 🔥

Have you been feeling the push to quit? To throw the towel in, to admit defeat, to acknowledge you’re just not cut out for this entrepreneurship game?

Listen to today’s conversation before you make any big decisions – it might just be the very thing you need right now.

I’m going to be sharing some research that will shed a light on why you’re feeling the way you are, plus sharing my top tips on what to do about it, so you can get out of this funk, and start feeling like you again.

Enjoy today’s conversation, please like, rate and subscribe, and I’d love to know what resonates in today’s episode.

10 traits of highly successful female entrepreneurs

I’m in the privileged position of working with some incredibly successful female entrepreneurs, founders and business owners.

 As their business coach, I’m involved in some really intense conversations, and I get to hear it like it is -  I’m in the privileged position of being privy to the behind-the-scenes conversations.

 I’ve been doing this work since 2007, I’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands of women to date.

 Over this time, I’ve observed 10 key traits of the most successful ones, and this is what I want to share with you today.

 Enjoy this conversation and I'd love to know what resonates with you:

  • which would you love to embody

  • which are you proud that you already do

  • what have I missed?

#femaleentrepreneur #femalefounders #womeninbusiness #femaleleaders #success #mindset

How to set 2024 goals that stick!

Are you ready to set some goals for year ahead? Goals that are audacious, that make your gut fizz and your fingers tingle?

Maybe you’ve already set some New Years Resolutions, and have already fallen off the waggon?

Maybe you’ve got some goals already, but they don’t quite feel right?

Maybe you’re feeling stuck, and overwhelmed with what to focus on first?

Well fear not, because in today’s conversation, I’m going to be teaching you my very best Aligned Goal Setting model.

I’ve created a FREE template for you to make this easy – no opt-in required – just download here.

The Difficult relationships in the festive season

I’m speaking to so many people at the moment who are trying to navigate tricky relationships over Christmas and the festive season.

Whether it’s a co-worker or a loved one, or someone you’d rather NOT have in your life (but it’s not that simple!), navigating those tricky relationships can really take the shine off the festive season.

Here are my golden rules for staying sane, and staying true to yourself.

Enjoy the conversation, and please like, rate and subscribe wherever you’re accessing this episode – it means a lot.

#femaleentrepreneurs #difficultconversations #femaleleaders #womenempoweringwomen #authenticity

My Top Tips if you feel like Festive Superwoman

It’s a lot at this time of year, isn’t it? Especially if you’re a high achiever/control freak like me

I’m having a lot of chats at the moment about the perfect storm the festive season brings (see my post earlier this week about the 10 signs of Imposter Syndrome at Christmas), but today’s conversation is all about the pressure to be Superwoman (Festive Edition)

We’re going to chat about how you can recognise if this is you.

And we’re also going to chat about my Top Tips about what you can do about it – especially if you’re just not feeling Christmassy this year.

Enjoy the conversation, and don’t forget to let me know what you think.

These are the 10 Signs of Imposter Syndrome in women, that indicate that’s it time to do something about it!

I shared this workshop twice last week, and it was so impactful and eye-opening I want to share it with you too.

I invite you to play along – grab a pen and paper, and see how many resonate with you.

In this conversation I reveal that doors are open to my Imposter to Impact Academy.

If you’d like to explore the signs that have resonated with you, and whether the Academy might be a good fit, check this out.

The 10 Signs You MUST Tackle Your Imposter NOW

Reflections on November – how am I still sane?

This has probably been one of the busiest months of my life, and I’d love to share some reflections with you.

• Living my values with my kids and husband

• Beating my Imposter and winning an award

• Finally achieving the no.1 reason I set up in business in the first place

• Capering in a lake with lovely clients

• Creating and running the most impactful coaching series I’ve ever done

There are some key lessons I’ve had along the way, so grab a cuppa and join me for this conversation.

#authenticity #awardceremony #values #femaleentrepreneurs

Winning an award vs Imposter Syndrome ➡️ A hot off-the-press case study

Have you ever been nominated for an award? If you have Imposter Syndrome as well, this is the ultimate stress test for IS.

I’ve helped so many clients over the years get over the Imposter Syndrome about being nominated for awards, and be able to properly celebrate and bask when they win, or deal with the upcoming stuff when they lose.

Well, last night it was my turn and this is the perfect case study for what I want to talk to you about today.

During this conversation I make an invitation to join for the Imposter Epiphany, a free coaching series I'm running next week (20th-24th)

Find out more and register here

You CAN change your circumstances!

Feeling frustrated? Wondering when it gets to feel better, to feel easy, to feel fun?

Wondering when all this graft, and faith and patience and grit will come good, and you'll reap the rewards.

I want to you to hear today, you CAN change your circumstances, you can have your dream life and you absolutely should not give up and settle for 'good enough'.

In this conversation I discuss 3 ways you can work with me in November:

- The Imposter Epiphany - 5 day coaching series - zero cost

- The Rewilding retreat - NEW February date - early bird price currently available

- Audacity Alchemy - VIP 1:1 coaching container - investment

You can see details of all of these things here.

#authenticity #valuesledleadership #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #impostersyndrome

Don’t know about you, but I’m currently being bombarded with messages about planning for 2024, setting your vision for next year, getting January off to a flying start....

Today I want to talk about the fact it’s not over until the fat lady sings.

There are 65 days left this year, and here are my top 5 tips on how to make the most of them.

In this conversation I make an invitation to join my upcoming coaching series, the Imposter Epiphany.

It’s for Senior Leaders & Entrepreneurs who want to release Imposter Syndrome & end 2023 feeling invincible.

I’m going to be coaching live for 30 minutes a day, Monday 20th November to Friday 24th November, at absolutely zero cost.

To register for your free place and find out more, check this out.

#impostersyndrome #leadership #mindset #valuesledleadership #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders

Starting to look forward to 2024? STOP and watch this

Want to stand in your unapologetic power & authority as a leader? Watch this

It's World Values Day and anybody who knows me knows I bang on about values at every opportunity.

Let’s talk about values, and why you these need to be your no. 1 focus if you are a business owner.

This conversation is for you if:

• You are feeling overwhelmed

• You can’t see the wood for the trees – no clarity

• Struggling with Imposter Syndrome

• You’re procrastinating – know what you need to do, can’t seem to make yourself do it

• You’re wondering ‘am I a proper director’

• You want to build a company with integrity

In this conversation I want to share some case studies, and I also want to share a personal story – what happens when you don’t live your values, and a hopefully inspiring tale of what happens when you do.

To find out more about The Rewilding check this out.

#femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #authenticity #valuesledleadership

One of the biggest problems women come to me with is overwhelm.

Female entrepreneurs still feel a massive pressure to be Superwoman, to hold all the things, to juggle a million balls and to prove they can have it all.

And the truth us, most of the time they're smashing it.

But just sometimes, this can tip into overwhelm.

Into a to-do list of competing priorities, all urgent.

Into the final straw that breaks the camel's back, and makes them feel like just giving up.

Into procrastination, and wasting time on low-value tasks.

In today's conversation, I'm going to teach you how to take back CONTROL of your day.

And how to let go of the STUFF that's filling your head, so you stop wasting your time, talents and energy.

Download your free template here.

In this conversation I make an invitation to join me for The Rewilding - my retreat for women who want time and space to breathe, and reconnect with who they are through nature.

You can find out more here

#control #influence #mindset #femaleentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #authenticity

Overwhelmed and frustrated This coaching model will help

Are you just planning on getting through October? Watch this

"I just want to get through it"

"I'm planning on surviving it"

How do you feel about October?

I've had the above comments a few times this week and so wanted to address them.

Often when we're overwhelmed and getting stuck in the weeds, we lose sight of the big dream and just concentrate on the day to day.

This is a huge problem, because you end of having about 10% of the impact you could be having, and end up feeling rubbish and lost.

OR you might be doing incredible things - they're ALL high value and high stakes - but you're so stretched and desperate to get it right - you're not enjoying and celebrating your success.

So what can you do about it? Today I'm going to share one of my favourite coaching models - the Aligned Impact Pyramid.

It's going to change your life - enjoy.

Download your free template here

Find out more about The Rewilding retreat here

#femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #motivation #mindset #success

Navigating tricky situations with clients is one of the hardest things about running a business.

In today's conversation I share two real life case studies about tricky situations with clients:

- boundary pushing

- pushback on price

- scope creep

And also the resolutions we came to.

In this conversation I share that doors are open RIGHT NOW for the autumn cohort of Audacity Limitless You Academy.

If you'd like to level up by Christmas, with a cohort of like-minded female business owners, and achieve authentic self-mastery - you should definitely check it out.

See the programme and book a call here

#femaleentrepreneurs #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleadership #authenticity #impostersyndrome #boundaries #coachingprogram

What to do when clients are pushing all your buttons

Do you believe in the win-win?

I just had the most incredible conversation with a friend and fellow female entrepreneur - I got so inspired and dashed straight on here to tell you about it!

If you're in need of some mojo today - check this out!

In this video I share that the doors are open to my signature coaching programme Audacity - check it out here

#femaleentrepreneurs #femalefounders #femaleleadership #authenticity #impostersyndrome #womenempowerment

Fear of 'Derek' is one of the biggest blockers I see to women creating the business they dream of.

It stops them saying what they really want to say, and sharing what they really want to share.

It makes them tone down their voice, apologise for their opinion and find excuses not to press 'post' or do that video.

It’s that fear that Derek is going to show up and troll them.

This makes me so mad, and so let's talk about it.

And in this conversation I make an invitation to come join me for my upcoming coaching series.

To help you get joyfully, unapologetically visible.

Find out more and register for your spot here - https://authenticity.claireackers.com/visibilitysept23

#femaleentrepreneurs #femalefounder #womeninbusiness #authenticity #visibility

Are you letting Derek ruin your business?

The robot dance off & the worst stage fright ever

Last night I had a flashback to this time last year, where I was faced with one of the most panic-inducing, stage fright triggering, all-the-visibility-fears situations.

It was one of those moments you remember forever, and is quite a funny story. If you've got 5 minutes and a brew, let me tell you the tale...

In this conversation I invite you to face your visibility fears and join my upcoming Authentic Visibility Coaching Series.

Check it out here.

#femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #authenticity #podcast

August is a funny month - the perfect storm of wanting to make magical moments with the kids, trying to fit work into too few hours, nobody’s around so things are going slower and not enough time to keep yourself sane.

And so your thoughts turn to September, and looking towards the final quarter of the year:

- How am I going to have a big finish?

- How can I smash my financial and business goals?

- What shall I do to focus my efforts and exceed all expectations?

- Plus lose the half a stone I put on during the holidays?

This conversation is all about the ONE thing you should be focusing on in your business in September.

This one thing is Authentic Visibility.

This is what I know is true. When I focus my attention on getting authentically visible – to showing up, to being brave and finding my voice, to unapologetically be me, to taking big, bold aligned action – then magic happens in my business.

I’m not joking.

Every single time I do this, things unfold, opportunities appear, I have the most wonderful inspired ideas – and I make quantum leaps forward and have the most incredible breakthroughs in my business.

I want to share with you 10 compelling reasons why you need to make authentic visibility your primary focus in September.

In this conversation I invite you to register for my upcoming Visibility Challenge - a free 5 day coaching series for female entrepreneurs.

You can find out more here - https://authenticity.claireackers.com/visibilitysept23

#femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #visbility #authenticity

This is the No 1 thing you need to focus on in your business in September

Can we talk about the wobbles when running a business?

Can we talk about the wobbles?

They're part of the price of doing business, and every entrepreneur has self-doubts and moments where they think they're not cut out for this.

Moments where you feel frustrated that you're not as successful (wealthy) as you'd like to be, and you're so tempted to give up and get a JOB.

Conventional wisdom says to fake it until you make it, and push on through.

I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with this, and in this conversation I'm going to tell you why.

And of course what to do instead.

Enjoy the conversation and don't forget to let me know what you think.

#femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #authenticity #podcast

How to figure out your mission and purpose... (and what to do if you don’t feel worthy of that)

I'm fresh back from adventuring in the Lake District in my camper van, and full of renewed vigour for my mission and purpose.

In this conversation I'm going to share with you exactly how I come up with my personal mission for my business - including the exact questioning sequence.

And if you feel the Imposter Syndrome rising when you think about whether you're worthy or good enough for that mission and purpose, I'm going to help you break away from that too.

Enjoy the conversation, and I'd love to get your thoughts on this one!

#impostersyndrome #femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #womeninbusiness

How to figure out your mission (and what to do if you don’t feel worthy)

The 7 Signs of Imposter Syndrome in Female Leaders & Entrepreneurs

This conversation is about the 7 Signs of Imposter Syndrome in female leaders and entrepreneurs.

- if you've ever felt like a fraud

- if you've ever attributed your success to luck

- if you know you're letting Imposter Syndrome keep you small

Please tune in to this conversation.


During the chat I make an invitation to join my upcoming Masterclass - Freedom from Imposter Syndrome for female leaders and entrepreneurs.

You can find out more and register here -

#impostersyndome #femaleleaders #femaleentrepreneur #womeninbusiness #womenempoweringwomen

Are you self-sabotaging?

Today I’d like to open up the topic of self-sabotage.

In its most basic terms, it’s when you achieve some measure of success, and do something – either consciously, or more likely unconsciously in order to mess it up.

If you self-sabotage, you might say things like:

  • Why do I always mess things up?

  • Of course that wouldn’t last, it wasn’t the right time

  • I knew they’d made the wrong choice, picking me -

  • I knew I shouldn’t celebrate that thing, I’ve totally jinxed it

    Today’s conversation is all about that self-sabotage – why we do it, what it might look like for you, and some real life case studies from clients.

    And most importantly - what you can do about it so it no longer needs to stop you, mess up your achievements or even slow you down.

    So you can get that peace you’re after, and be able to relax and celebrate all the cool stuff you’ve done.

    Enjoy, and don’t forget to let me know what you think!


    In this conversation I invite you to join me inside the Imposter to Impact Academy.

    Check out the programme here.

    But hurry – there are just a few days left before we kick off this cohort #impostersyndrome #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #womeninbusiness #selfsabotage

Who the heck do you think you are?

This is the story women have running through their heads when they come to me for help.

- If you've found the BIG dream you had for your business is starting to slip away

- If you've ever felt you need to pick being wealthy and successful OR having a happy home life

- If you've ever questioned whether you're worthy or good enough to build the business you desire...

THIS is the conversation for you.

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

Who the heck do you think you are to run a business?

Essential Standards

Today I'm talking to you about Essential Standards - one of my favourite topics.

  • If you’re constantly firefighting in your business, working on low-value stuff or people-pleasing with clients - this is for you 

  • If you're frustrated by your results or lack clarity or focus, this is for you

  • Or if you want a surefire strategy to show up as your highest and best self every single day, this is for you.

Enjoy the conversation, and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

Today I'm talking to you if you've been feeling ‘meh’ and want to get the fire back in your belly.

  • Maybe you're feeling like you’ve lost your mojo or you’re disconnected.

  • Or maybe you're feeling like you’re ticking along, but that’s not good enough.

  • Or maybe it feels like Like you’re stuck in your comfort zone. You want to break free and do brilliant things, but it’s become the status quo, and you don’t know how to level up.

I’ve been working with entrepreneurs on this stuff for many years now – I strongly believe that if you’ve been bold enough and brave enough to launch a company, you might as well make it count.

So many women come to me, scared because they are feeling ‘meh’ and lost, and they don’t know how to get this fire back – and we need to talk about it!

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

How to stop feeling ‘meh’ and get the fire back in your belly

Do you feel like you’ve got to be Superwoman

Today I'm talking to you if you've ever felt pressure to be Superwoman.

  • I'm going to teach you how to Ignite Your Fire to take easy, joyful action in your business  

  • I'll reveal the 10 biggest mistakes you don't even know you're making, when it comes to getting the results you want  

  • I'll share how to identify your Zone of Genius, so you're clear where to focus your time, talents and energy  

  • I'll show you how to unlock your next level of performance, in as little as 10 minutes per day (and you don't need to get up at 5am)  

  • And I'm going to teach you how to do all this in an authentic. aligned way that feels natural and fun

So buckle up, because this conversation could be a game-changer for you.

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

How to have Bulletproof Resilience - for Female Entrepreneurs

Today I'm talking to you if Bulletproof Resilience is on your wishlist as a Female Founder.

  • Maybe you're in a horrible situation, feeling angry and shameful and rejected, and you can't see a way through.

  • Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed and disempowered.

  • Or maybe it feels like the world is against you and you can't face picking yourself up and keeping on fighting.

This is a really honest conversation, about a recent hideous situation I found myself in, and I'm going to share the steps I took to get back on top and feeling awesome and certain again in my business (and life).

You're going to feel peaceful. You're going to feel in control. And you're going to feel on fire.

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

How to have Bulletproof Resilience - for Female Entrepreneurs

Today I'm talking to you if Bulletproof Resilience is on your wishlist as a Female Founder.

  • Maybe you're in a horrible situation, feeling angry and shameful and rejected, and you can't see a way through.

  • Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed and disempowered.

  • Or maybe it feels like the world is against you and you can't face picking yourself up and keeping on fighting.

This is a really honest conversation, about a recent hideous situation I found myself in, and I'm going to share the steps I took to get back on top and feeling awesome and certain again in my business (and life).

You're going to feel peaceful. You're going to feel in control. And you're going to feel on fire.

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

How to have an incredibly awesome day

Today I’m talking to you if you want to set yourself up for having an incredibly awesome day.

  • Maybe you've got a huge thing you need to smash

  • Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the weeds

  • Or maybe you know you're self-sabotaging and it's time to look after yourself properly.

This is a really practical conversation, based on what works, to help set you up to have an awesome day.

You're going to feel in flow. You're going to feel in control. And you're going to feel on fire.

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe for more like this.

Watch this if it feels like everything has gone to sh*t

Today I’m talking to you if you're a female entrepreneur who's dealing with a whole tonne of sh*t at the moment

  • Maybe everything has gone wrong that could go wrong this week

  • Or maybe you've had some horrible news that's making you feel wretched

  • Or maybe you're having an existential crisis and questioning your very existence?

In this conversation I’m going to give you an action plan of what to do when everything feels like everything has gone to sh*t and you can't see a way forward.

You're going to feel resilient. You're going to feel in control. And you're going to feel unstoppable.

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to let me know what you think!

Do you want more clarity in your business?

Today I’m talking to you if you're a female entrepreneur who's struggling with clarity at the moment.

  • Maybe you can't see the wood for the trees

  • Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed and can't see the next right step

In this conversation I’m going to give you 6 things you can do today, to get clarity where was confusion and chaos - rip up the rule book and do things your way - have incredible impact (and income) - create your and/both (instead of settling for the either/or)

Enjoy the conversation and don’t forget to let me know what you think!

How to build an aligned and authentic business my 6 step formula

Today I’m talking to you if you're a female founder who wants to build an aligned & authentic business.

One that's capable of changing the world.

Or at least, creating your dream business and lifestyle.

In this training I’m going to tell you the 6 pillars you need to have if you want to: - rip up the rule book and do things your way - have incredible impact (and income) - create your and/both (instead of settling for the either/or)

7 signs of Imposter Syndrome in female founders & what to do about it

Today I’m talking to you if you suspect (or know) you're struggling with Imposter Syndrome as a female entrepreneur

  • You're sick of that voice in your head asking 'who the heck you think you are'

  • You feel like you're not good enough

  • Not worthy or deserving

  • Or you feel you're nobody special

    In this conversation I’m going to give you 5 steps. 5 steps that you can take, today, and put into action, and finally break free of the Imposter Syndrome that's keeping you small.

How to build an aligned and authentic business my 6 step formula

Today I’m talking to you if you're a female founder who wants to build an aligned & authentic business.

One that's capable of changing the world.

Or at least, creating your dream business and lifestyle.

In this training I’m going to tell you the 6 pillars you need to have if you want to: - rip up the rule book and do things your way - have incredible impact (and income) - create your and/both (instead of settling for the either/or)

7 signs of Imposter Syndrome in female founders & what to do about it

Today I’m talking to you if you suspect (or know) you're struggling with Imposter Syndrome as a female entrepreneur

  • You're sick of that voice in your head asking 'who the heck you think you are'

  • You feel like you're not good enough

  • Not worthy or deserving

  • Or you feel you're nobody special

    In this conversation I’m going to give you 5 steps. 5 steps that you can take, today, and put into action, and finally break free of the Imposter Syndrome that's keeping you small.

How to connect with your authentic power as a female founder

Today I’m talking to you if you want to find and unleash your authentic power as a female founder

  • Maybe you’re not getting the results you want in your business

  • Maybe you’re doing all-the-things and frustrated because it’s not working

  • Maybe you’re paralysed by lack of clarity

  • Maybe you’re starting to doubt you’ve got what it takes

In this talk I’m going to give you 7 steps. 7 steps that you can take, today, and put into action, and start seeing the results

Find out what these awesome female founders had to say about working with Claire Ackers

Just look at the incredible women on this video - Founders, Entrepreneurs, Directors and leaders - talking about the difference #authenticity has made in their business.

It really has been a gamechanger for all of them, and allowed them not only to level up, but to go deeper and unlock a personal power. We got all the feels editing this we can tell you 🥰

Thank you so much for these incredible testimonies it’s a joy and a privilege to walk by your side, and thanks for being part of the tribe 🥰

Series 1 report - Disrupting the Industry

Series 1 report - Disrupting the Industry

There was a definite theme of ‘Act now, beg forgiveness later’ amongst the entrepreneurial leaders we interviewed.

Common themes were building a values-led culture, resilience and freedom to innovate.

You can download a copy of the report here.

Series 2 report - How to Attract & Retain Top Talent

Series 2 report - How to Attract & Retain Top Talent

Series 2 explored what it took to get the right people into your company, and then how to keep them there - without having to increase salaries.

You can download a copy of the report here.

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Claire on the news

Claire was invited onto the BBC’s Business Breakfast News , to discuss the findings of the reports, and has been a regular guest on various radio & TV shows, discussing leadership and career topics.

Never miss an interview - subscribe to our YouTube channel here.


Katie Gleghorn Interview - Diversity & Inclusion

Be Authentic, Be Curious, Be Kind.
These are Diversity and Inclusion Specialist, Katie Gleghorn's 3 rules to live by.
I loved chatting to Katie, and we got some absolute gold, including:
* Her top tips for ensuring your company is diverse and inclusive (no matter how big or small)
* How snapping up the opportunity for redundancy paved the way for her dream job
* What leaders need to be doing right now to keep their staff safe and engaged
Katie's warm and engaging style makes the easily actionable tips she's giving easy to implement, and this interview is an absolute must for any leader serious about diversity and inclusion in their company.

Andy Crossley Interview - Teams & Tenacity

Andy Crossley, Director at the Oakland Group, joins Claire Ackers for a chat about his journey and the lessons he's learned along the way.

Highlights include:
How his tenacity can sometimes border on stalking
Why it's all about the reflected glory on his team these days
And why he sees his kids as 'levellers'

Andy and Claire also discuss the challenges of virtual communication - 'Teams fatigue' and having the impact you want.

Claire speaks with Katie Gleghorn, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant, about how companies can instill a D&I culture in the workplace, and how to support their colleagues

Anna Sutton, CEO of the Data Shed, talks to Claire about the importance of values, both personal and in company culture.

Ken Miller, CTO at PanIntelligence, gives his take on the importance of a values-led company.

Claire’s full interview with Zandra Moore, CEO & Co-founder of PanIntelligence.

They discuss flexible working, the importance of company values and the key STEM challenges we’re still facing.

Listen to Claire chat with Andy Park, Director at Leeds-based Digital Agency, Creode Ltd. Hear Andy's thoughts on achieving a good work-life balance, current challenges in recruitment in the Digital Sector, his Top Tips and his pet hate when it comes to interviews

Claire gets deep with Mark Robinson, Development Delivery Manager at StepChange Debt Charity about employee loyalty, challenges of agile transformation and leadership in tough times.

Never miss an interview - subscribe to our YouTube channel here.