The 10 Signs You MUST Tackle Your Imposter NOW

As an Authenticity Coach, I'm all about empowering female entrepreneurs and leaders to step into their authentic power - and a MAJOR part of that is navigating the impostor syndrome.

I recently delivered a workshop on the 10 signs that suggest you need to deal with your Impostor Syndrome. The impact was astounding.

So, here's your chance to play along. Grab that trusty pen and paper and see how many signs resonate with you.

Here are the 10 signs:

  1. Feeling like a fraud or a phony, fearing that it’s only a matter of time before somebody taps you on the shoulder and tells you to get back in your box.

  2. Attributing your success to luck or external factors, instead of owning your accomplishments.

  3. Seeking outside approval or validation from others, unable to trust your own intuition.

  4. Being a chronic overachiever or control freak, constantly striving but never feeling secure.

  5. Feeling paralysed when reaching for new opportunities or bigger dreams, held back by what might go wrong or looking stupid.

  6. Procrastinating - being a busy fool, or aiming for perfection to avoid stepping out of your comfort zone.

  7. Obsessing over mistakes or criticism, even the tiniest slip-ups keep you up at night.

  8. Dimming your own light to fit in, toning down your true self to belong.

  9. Feeling stuck in a cycle of gratitude or "good enough," afraid of jinxing the good things you already have in your life.

  10. Giving up and accepting the status quo, thinking that impostor syndrome is just who you are.

If you recognise any (or all) of these signs, here's the thing: it's not your fault.

Impostor syndrome isn't a personal failing; it's deeply ingrained in our biology, psychology, and society.

But—and this is crucial—it's up to you to make a change. Most importantly, you're not alone, many struggle with this.

That's where the Impostor to Impact Academy comes in. It's your toolkit for tackling and rewriting that impostor script.

The doors to the Impostor to Impact Academy are currently open. Reach out, let's chat, and explore if this is your game-changer. Here are all the details.


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