My Top Tips if you feel like Festive Superwoman 

It's that time of year when we feel the weight of expectations, especially if you're inclined to be a high achiever or a control freak like myself.

The festive season can bring a perfect storm of pressure and want for perfection…..and the juggling of endless tasks can often lead to what I call "Festive Superwoman Syndrome."

If you're finding yourself drowning in to-do lists, colour-coded spreadsheets, and the pressure to make everything perfect, you might resonate with this syndrome.

Here are some tell-tale signs:

Overflowing Lists: You've got lists everywhere!

Covering All Bases: You're the master organiser - ensuring everyone’s present is bought and wrapped including the in-laws, teachers, teaching assistants - and you’ve planned your December schedule (including Santa visits, ice-skating and your Christmas manicure!) down to the minute.

Overwhelm and Disconnect: Despite your efforts, you feel disconnected and emotionally drained. The magic that you’re trying to recreate from your own childhood just isn't happening this year.

So, what can you do to alleviate this pressure and rediscover the joy of the season? Here are some of my top-tips:

Embrace JOMO (Joy of Missing Out): Decline activities that drain you. Create space for yourself and enjoy the feeling of relief it brings.

Prioritise Meaningful Activities: Allocate time for something meaningful to you, whether it's reading a favourite book (for me, Jilly Cooper!) or taking a long bath.

Set a boundary: Where are you being a people pleaser? Learn to say no thank you. Prioritise what's essential for you and your well-being.

Work with the season: Understand that winter calls for hibernation. I’d invite you to slow down, rest and let go of unnecessary pressures.

Journaling for self-reflection: You cannot pour from an empty festive cup! Use journaling to reconnect with yourself, asking questions about what brings you joy and what you want to release. Questions might be “What can I let go of, what brings joy to me?, what seeds do I want to plant for next year”.

Be aware of inner voices: Be aware of your inner critic and impostor syndrome. What are you making it mean if everything doesn’t go perfectly? Recognise the patterns and pressures you place on yourself. Your imposter syndrome can be extremely strong at this time of year.

Remember, the festive season should be about joy and connection, not about overwhelming perfectionism.

If you're struggling and need support in navigating these challenges, consider seeking guidance.

Here's to a more joyous and authentic holiday season!


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