The secret to elevating yourself

As entrepreneur’s, it's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day grind of running a business. 

We can often find ourselves trapped in the reality of what we see as possible, lowering our expectations to match what we believe is attainable.

But here's the thing: it's a huge mistake! 

As entrepreneurs, we need to be visionaries and boldly forge ahead despite the naysayers, the skeptics, and the challenges that come our way. 

When you started your business - you had a belly full of fire and ambition - completely ready to change the world in your own unique way.

You had high hopes and big dreams and started with a lot of enthusiasm…and had some quick wins.

But then reality hits.

You realise there's so much you don't know, so much to learn, and the journey is far from easy.

Maybe things aren't moving as fast as you'd hoped, or setbacks start piling up—rejections, some expensive hiring mistakes.

It's disheartening, to say the least, and you start doubting yourself and your mission.

Now, here's where it gets interesting.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there are these subtle signals, these glimmers, that the universe sends our way.

They're like little nudges, whispers from the cosmos, guiding us toward our true path.

But here's the catch: you've got to be open to them, tuned in to their frequency.

So, what exactly are these glimmers?

They're those moments of deep resonance, those gut feelings that tell you you're on the right track because you feel it in your body. 

Whereas triggers leave you feeling awful - sweaty plans, sick and off-kilter: glimmers are the polar opposite.

They fill you with a sense of excitement, a knowing that you're exactly where you're meant to be. Goosebumps and tingles!

Recognising glimmers isn't always easy. 

It means trusting your intuition, even when logic tells you otherwise.

It's about leaning into joy, following those little sparks of inspiration wherever they may lead.

I've seen the power of glimmers recently in my work with clients.

Like when one of them decided to let go of a nightmare client, only to get an inquiry and sign-up from a dream client immediately afterwards.

Or when another followed a sudden urge to take a break and was rewarded with a burst of creative inspiration.

These are the moments that remind us we're on the right path, that magic is real if we're willing to see it.

Embracing glimmers isn't just about achieving success.

It's about living a life of purpose and passion, about tuning into a higher frequency of existence. It's about daring to dream big and refusing to settle for anything less than extraordinary.

So, I leave you with this: stay open to the glimmers.

Trust your intuition, follow your heart, and watch as the universe conspires to support you on your journey. And if you ever feel lost or uncertain, just remember: the answers are always there, waiting for you to see them.


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