How to show up when you really really really don't want to

In this blog post, I’m diving into a topic that hits close to home for many of us: showing up for our business even when we're not feeling it.

Trust me, I get it.

There are days when mustering the energy to tackle the day ahead feels like an uphill battle.

But keep reading because I've got 8 tried-and-tested tips to help you not just phone it in, but REALLY TRULY show up and shine.

First things first, let's talk about vision.

Your vision for your business should excite you to your core. It should feel uniquely yours, igniting a fire within you that propels you forward, even on the toughest days. If your vision doesn't elicit that visceral response, it's time to reevaluate and realign.

Next up is positive visualization.

Spend just five minutes visualizing the next-level version of yourself—the person you're becoming through your business. Picture how they show up, how they carry themselves, and the impact they have. This is a game-changer.


Unlike routines, which can become mundane, rituals are imbued with meaning. Whether it's lighting a candle or choosing a piece of jewellery that holds significance, these rituals help anchor you in the energy of your highest self.

Positive discipline

Action is its own reward. Sometimes, you've got to push through resistance and take that first step. It might not always feel easy, but it's worth it.

Give yourself permission to say no.

That's right—sometimes, the most empowered decision you can make is to opt out. Trust your intuition and honor your boundaries.

Don’t forget to make it fun!

Inject some joy into your day-to-day tasks. Whether it's gamifying your to-do list or finding ways to bring more playfulness into your work, remember that it's okay to enjoy the journey.

Lastly, celebrate your wins.

No matter how small they may seem, each step forward is cause for celebration. So go ahead, give yourself a high five and bask in the glow of your accomplishments.

So there you have it—eight tips to help you show up for your business, even on the toughest days. Give them a try and let me know how it goes.

And, if all else fails, a little caffeine never hurts.


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