The 10 biggest mistakes I've made in business

This week, I took my eldest daughter, Phoebe, out for a curry to discuss her GCSE options. 

The pressure on her at just 14 to have it all figured out struck a chord. 

I wanted Phobe to know that no one has it all figured out, and we're all just winging it. 

It got me thinking about the pressures we face in business as entrepreneurs. People say being an entrepreneur is like jumping off a cliff and growing wings on your way down. On the way you’re bound to make some mistakes and the main thing you can do is learn from them and evolve.

So today I’m sharing the top 10 big mistakes I’ve made - hopefully this will save you from making the same ones 🙂

1. Growing a Cookie-Cutter Business

In my first business, a technology recruitment firm, I had it all—on paper. A team around me, being invited to speak on the BBC, it all looked great. But it was a cookie-cutter business, and despite the success, I was miserable. Lesson learned: success means nothing if it's not aligned with your passion.

2. Chasing Money Over Passion

Choosing a business solely for its potential monetary return can lead to misery. When I launched my first business I was on maternity leave, and wanted quick money with minimal hours. I achieved it, but it morphed into a recruitment business that made me unhappy. Follow your heart; it pays off.

3. Blindly Trusting Experts

I made the mistake of trusting experts who didn't resonate with me. Coaches, accountants, marketers—I followed their advice blindly. Lesson learned: trust your instincts and work with people who align with your values and vision.

4. Ignoring My Gut Feelings

My gut was trying to guide me, but I squashed those feelings, opting to listen to external voices. Big mistake. Trust your intuition; it's usually right.

5. Not Letting Go of Bad Hires Quickly

In the recruitment business, I held onto bad hires for too long, costing me time and money. Learn to let go swiftly when it's not working out.

6. Fearing Delegating

I once believed I had to do it all myself. When I embraced delegation, and started trusting the right people, my business soared to new heights.

7. Falling for the Sunken Cost Fallacy

Don't let past investments dictate your future. Recognise when something isn't working, cut your losses…. and move on.

8. Wallowing in Mistakes

Mistakes happen. Don't dwell on them. Learn, evolve and move forward. Wallowing only hinders growth.

9. Working with Nightmare Clients

Taking on clients for the wrong reasons—like paying bills—can be disastrous. Nightmare clients drain your energy and aren't worth the cost.

10. Neglecting Self-Care

Prioritize yourself. As the queen of your business, your energy matters. Break free from old patterns, prioritize joy, and invest in your well-being.

These are my top 10 mistakes, and I'd love to hear about yours. 

What resonates with you?


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