7 ways to make sure changes stick permanently

If you are struggling to make good habit stick

Or if you are doubting your ability to make those positive changes permanent in your life

In reality, it's no surprise: because the odds are absolutely stacked against you.

➡️ So in this blog, I want to share seven tips that will put you permanently in the driving seat of those changes you want to make, to ensure those new habits stick permanently.

I'm sorry to say it, but the very fabric of our society, economy, political system and school infrastructure is set up to make it blooming hard for you to make those changes permanently.

It's exhausting, right?

Trying to make changes traps you in a never-ending, perpetuating loop of big dreams, massive action, failure and then the cycle repeats again and again.

This is why the Troubleshoot and Transform module that I teach is so important and impactful. It blows my clients' minds wide open when they realise they've been struggling for so long.

But with the right tips and tools, permanent change becomes easier and even joyful. It puts you in the driving seat of the changes you want to make.

In fact, a caterpillar's journey to becoming a butterfly mirrors our own journey to transformation. Did you know that within the cocoon, the caterpillar breaks itself down into literal go - a messy, sticky, and seemingly chaotic process.

Yet, from this goo, emerges a beautiful butterfly.

Similarly, when we embark on personal change, we often encounter a messy phase where everything feels uncertain and overwhelming. But just like the caterpillar, if we persist through this "goo phase," embracing the discomfort and uncertainty, we can emerge as something entirely new and magnificent.

Here are my top, most valuable tips for persisting through the “goo phase” and making changes stick:

1. Think of it like Mount Everest

If you tried to climb Mount Everest straight away, you'd die from oxygen deprivation. Acclimatise, start at base camp and take baby steps. Don't overwhelm yourself.

2. Throw everything at it

Flood your subconscious with anchors and reinforcing messages about the new habit you're nurturing. Surround yourself with reminders of the person you're becoming.

3. Beware of the willpower trap

Willpower can only take you so far. You need to shift your mindset - a different attitude in order to change.

4. Understand your origin story paradigm

This is about understanding who you were before the world told you how to be.

Around the age of 5 or 6 something happened to you that kickstarted your origin story paradigm and since then you have been living out that story. It may be something like “I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy, or I don't fit or belong”. This is your origin story paradigm.

5. Be mindful of sabotage

Recognise self-sabotage when it occurs. Don't let it stop you. Keep making changes regardless.

6. Be mindful of your thoughts

Constantly ask yourself, "What am I making this mean?". Recognise that you are not your thoughts; you are the curious observer.

7. Spend five minutes a day in the energy of the person you're becoming

Visualize the person you want to be. Your subconscious mind will start to accept this as fact, making it easier to align your actions with your goals.

These seven tips are invaluable for making lasting changes and ensuring that new habits stick.

Remember, change is hard at first, messy in the middle, but gorgeous at the end.

Embrace the journey and celebrate your progress along the way.

Thank you for reading. Let me know which tip resonates with you the most and how you're progressing on your journey of transformation.


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