Who the heck do you think you are to run a business?

Claire Ackers delivering video on 'Who the heck do you think you are to run a business?'

Who the heck do you think you are to be running a business?

One day, not long ago, you set out with a dream.

You had such a big audacious dream of what you wanted to do with the business.

You knew right down to your bones that the business was going to work - the world needed it!

You worked out what you were going to do to change your world.

➡️You couldn't wait to stick it to the doubters.

Your ex-boss, that bully from the schoolyard, your mother-in-law, your ex.

But, now, as time's gone on, you're feeling a bit numb.

You're drinking too much, you have an anxious knot in your chest that's almost become normal.

That passion you once had? You feel like you're faking it now to get those pitches in still.

The thought of being your usual bouncy self just feels like a different person. You don't know if you have the strength to keep going.

It's frustrating, isn't it? When you know how much work you're putting in, but you're not seeing the reward from your business.

If you're really, truly, brutally honest you're starting to settle for what you believe is available to you.

If this sounds a little too close to home, I've filmed a video for you as a little pep talk. Visit my YouTube channel to watch the whole thing, and bookmark it for when you need a reminder of exactly who you are💪🏼

Watch the video HERE.


You CAN change your circumstances!


Starting to look forward to 2024? STOP and read this ➡️