How to set 2024 goals that stick!

Are you ready to set audacious goals for 2024? Today's blog is all about setting goals that not only sound fantastic but also stick.

The kind of goals that make your gut flutter with excitement and nervousness.

Anyone can set a goal or make a New Year's resolution, but the real secret lies in making them a reality.

Keep reading, and I'll walk you through my tried-and-true aligned goal-setting model.

We'll uncover your perfect 2024 vision by letting go of 'shoulds' and gaining clarity on your core values. This clarity will fuel your determination to make these goals a reality.

First, let’s explore why goals often falter. Essentially, it boils down to what I call the "Goldilocks effect." Goals can be too big, overwhelming us before we begin - or too small, lacking excitement to motivate action. The key is finding that sweet spot – goals that stretch you, yet align perfectly with who you are.

To guide you through this process, I've developed the four-layered Aligned Action Pyramid approach (you can download the Aligned Action Pyramid template for free here).

So, grab that pen and paper! I encourage you to pause, and reflect deeply on each step. Let the questions percolate within you.


Picture a typical day in January 2025 when your dreams have materialized. What do you see, feel, hear, and achieve? Write it all down – this forms the foundation.


Next, examine your Values. What do you deeply hold as essential? Ensure they support your vision.


Then, delve into your Beliefs. Identify limiting beliefs that sabotage your goals and replace them with empowering ones that propel you forward.

Aligned action

Finally, consider Aligned Action. What inspired steps can you take toward your goals? Start with the smallest, achievable action today.

Remember, it's crucial to follow these steps in order. You're seeking glimmers of inspiration that leap you forward, collapsing time and space to make your dreams a reality.

Now, what action are you planning to take today to inch closer to your 2024 vision? I’d love for you to share your plans with me.

Thank you for being part of this journey!


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