Are you just planning on ‘just getting through’ October?

Watch the full conversation here

How do you feel about October?

Do you find yourself thinking: "I just want to get through it", or “I'm planning on surviving it"?

These are just some of the comments I’ve heard this week.

Even from one client (anonymity completely protected) who has so many AMAZING things going on in her business.  Who has been brave, visible and authentic and is really making things happen.

And yet she said she was planning on just getting through October.

Often when we are feeling overwhelmed, stuck in the weeds and I-just-can’t-get-on-top-of-my-to-do-list, we lose sight of the big dream. Instead we can become busy fools, focusing on ticking things off our to-do-list (even though it’s longer at the end of the day than at the start!). We can spend our time on low-value tasks instead of impactful actions that are really going to move the needle of our business forward.

Or PERHAPS, like this client, you’re absolutely smashing it this month - working on incredible projects with amazing clients. However, you might also be feeling overstretched and overwhelmed by it all, and not enjoying or celebrating your success.

 What can you do about this?

 I delivered a live training today, sharing the Aligned Impact Pyramid coaching model I gave this client to help navigate the ‘Surviving October’ mindset (free PDF download is available here). 

This is one of my favourite coaching models I came up with stomping around Leeds Bramhope with one of my favourite clients in deepest, darkest lockdown.  I teach this model ALL the time, and I’m yet to find a situation it can’t be applied to. It really makes a difference.

 For full instructions on how to use this template, please watch the live coaching session from the 6:30 time stamp.  And please reach out and let me know how you get on!

 Invitation to The Rewilding

 If you’re starting to get the fire back in your belly after applying this model, I’d like to make an invitation…

In November, I am going to be running my first retreat. Its called the Rewilding, and is for women who are yearning to reconnect with who they are.

During the retreat, we’ll tap into nature - and unleash your elemental power. It will be a supportive bubble to nourish and nurture you, and it is going to be TRANSFORMATIVE.

 There are only a couple of spaces left. If you’d like to join us, please feel free to reach out to me for a chat about whether it’s right for you, or check out the retreat here.



Starting to look forward to 2024? STOP and read this ➡️


Are you guilty of falling into the ‘When I’ future trap? 🧐